Breaking Down Physical Barriers with VR

NIH's National Libarary of Medicine was looking for ways to allow their museum attendees to enjoy and inspect their illustrious artifacts such as the first anatomy text books, original medical equipment prototypes and more but due to the need to preserve them they needed to allow it happen virtually. Luckily with the invention of VR this is now possible. As part of Mode4 we created several VR applications for them to use at VR stations throughout their spaces. Users now are able to virtually touch, turn pages, discover hidden details in a self-directed manner that is driving huge engagement on otherwise untouchable and unknowable artifacts. All of this work was done in less than 6 weeks by a small team of 2.

NIH NLM Vesalius Turning Pages, NIH Early Medicine, NIH NLM Museum Cardboard

  • Category: VR, PC, Mobile, Cardboard
  • Tech Stack: Oculus/Vive/Google Cardboard, Unity3D
  • Client(s): NIH, NLM
  • Project date: 2017